Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bovina Boogie

A couple of weeks ago we and a bunch of our friends made a mass pilgrimage from our little town of Voorheesville to the even littler town of Bovina Center, where two brothers we are friends with grew up. These two brothers, Matt and Andy Pelletier, plus a native Voorheesvillan by the name of Josh Herzog, have a band called The College Farm . After approximately a decade of not-so- hard labor this band has produced a CD called Northeast of Nowhere and it is fantastic. A CD release party was held in their hometown of Bovina.

Bovina Center is a tiny, idyllic village veined with bubbling brooks and sheltered by emerald green hills. Even the dirt is a pretty reddish pink. The other thing about Bovina Center is that so many people born, raised and still living there are musicians and artists. The party was held at Matt and Andy’s friend Chico’s barn, in which he holds various musical events including the famous Livestock Music Festival    It was a great show and fun was had by all, ages 5 to 65.

Come One Come All—

The College Farm will be playing at Art on Lark, on Saturday, June 9 at 4 pm on the WEXT.97FM stage on Madison Ave. at Lark.

Full line-up and map at link.

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